Friday, September 4, 2009

RE 5, Batman AA

RE 5 (360) (3Hr)
Getting about half way through on this one and this is still a great game but must be played with a friend.

Batman AA (PS3) (2HR)
Half way through this one and it is getting more difficult in the combat arena. I will probably try this game on Hard once I've finished but they don't prompt the counter attacks so it gets pretty tough.

HDMI Switcher

I have this on order as I want to hook up my PC to my projector and am out of HDMI ports I found one for around $20 that is supposed to be pretty good and has auto switching.

Ethernet through Electric

I have been researching this and might make the plunge to try this out so I don't have to run wires anywhere. Anyone have any experience with them?


  1. Thanks for posting this.I am going to buy new ps3 so this give me better idea what to do with hdmi switcher.


  2. I am using HDMI Switcher of Sony. Its 3 port HDMI Switcher. It works awesome. The quality is also good. You can have nice experience of surround sound. Its a bit high price product.

