Legendary (360) (1hr)
Since I have the Block Buster Game Pass I will try bad games just to see how bad they are, so far this game isn't so bad. It starts off with a lot of action going on around you and you are escaping from a museum and bad things are happening. It is a first person shooter with magical creatures as enemies.
RB2 (360) (1Hr)
Bought Gasoline(Audioslave) and Kryptonite(3DD), both songs are fun to play. After getting my surround sound working on the 360 I was able to crank up the music and drum away. I walked outside to see how much noise the neighbors might be hearing and I could hear the bass a little but not too much.
Call of Duty 3 (360) (45min)
Finished one more mission with 5 more to go.
Beatles Rock Band and Dirt 2 were purchased today and I have Thursday and Friday off so it's Game time.
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