Thursday, January 7, 2010

Darksiders, Bayonetta, COD 2

Trying to play Darksiders and Bayonetta at the same time is hard since I only have 2 hands and my feet are not that talented. The games are different but both have similar combat styles and I am trying to mix and match combos from each game so I will probably pick one and play all the way through but I'm having a tough time figuring out which one. Bayonetta is beautiful and controls perfectly and has some strange but awesome cutscenes. Darksiders offers more puzzles and a kind of open world vs the linear approach of Bayonetta. I think that I am having more fun with Bayonetta since she is a hot chick and I can't pass up a girl with guns on her feet.

I finally figured out COD MW 2, if you are the host you will almost always win unless you are really bad. I saw Mitch playing free-for-all so I joined him and he needs practice.....anyway after a couple of matches I was the host for the match and I went on to win about 4 out of 5 matches because when I saw someone and they saw me I was able to hit him first and I attribute that to being the host. When I'm not I almost always lose that battle and I play the same way so I know it isn't me and it has to be the minor lag in the game. I wish it wasn't there but the game is still fun anyway and now I'm on my way back to lvl 70.

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