Friday, January 5, 2018

2017 Review

2017 - What a year for gaming.  So many great games came out this year it was really hard to decide what games to spend your time on. Even though I haven't been posting as much as I'd like, I did finish over 30 games this year so I've been pretty busy at least playing games. 

Games I loved but didn't like the Sequels

  • Shadow of War 
    • A game that actually added too much content which made the game very convoluted and it just couldn't keep my interest. 
    • Way too many Orc bosses to fight, they just keep showing up. 
  • Wolfenstein 2
    • The story was excellent and a very fun ride but the combat didn't live up to the highs of the story.
    • I had to lower the difficulty to easy just to make that part of the game enjoyable.  

Game I thought was overlooked

  • Prey
    • A truly hidden gem.
    • Exploring a vast space station was exhilarating and I loved all the detail they were able to cram into one location.  So much to do and see with many secrets.   
    • They did misstep a bit with the constant combat that you had to partake in but overall I loved the experience and hope for a sequel. 

Game that made me not want to Open doors

  • Resident Evil 7
    • What a great game and a fresh take on a series that had grown a bit stale.
    • Hopefully the VR version will come to PC in January.  Can't not open doors again. 

Game that made me prefer to use Headphones over my Sound System.

  • Hellblade
    • The sound was phenomenal and I think successfully conveyed what it feels like to have mental illness. 
    • With headphones you really believe people are right beside you whispering in your ear.  A good sound system really can't replicate that as well. 

Game I Spent the Most Time Playing

  • Rocket League
    • Over 1250 hours over 2 years.  Wow that number is staggering. ​

​Game I took the most Screenshots ​

  • ​Horizon Zero Dawn
    • So many beautiful scenes throughout the game.
    • A true HDR Showcase.  ​

​Game I Played but Shouldn't Have​

  • ​SouthPark: The Fractured But Whole​
    • The subtitle pretty much sums up that argument

​​G​ame where I had a smile on my face the whole time

  • ​Super Mario Oddysee
    • Every level was a joy to play
    • All the different characters/objects you could play as was staggering.

​Game where I got lost in the world

  • ​Zelda: Breath of the Wild
    • The physics of the world really made the game stand out.​  Rolling down a hill after getting hit by an enemy.​
    • Constantly rewarded for exploring.  Never went looking somewhere and came back empty handed.

​Game that had the best DLC​

  • Witcher 3: Heart of Stone
    • Great excuse to get back into the Witcher Universe
    • A great story that kept me entertained the whole 12 hours.

Game I loved but had to refund it

  • Cuphead
    • Too hard.
    • Please release an easier mode so I can enjoy the game. 

​Game I tried to love but just couldn't​

  • NieR:Automata
    • Tried multiple times but just didn't click.
    • The open world was just so boring and most of the combat just not fun.  

Game I did the stupidest stuff in

  • PlayerUnknowns: Battlgrounds
    • Why why did I jump out of a moving jeep. 
    • Spend 20 minutes picking up guns and equipment then last 3 seconds in an actual gunfight.

Game that made me buy a Fightstick

  • Injustice 2
    • A great fighting game that is easy to get into
    • Perfect single player mode that keeps encouraging you to play everyday.

Games that just won't go away

  • Skyrim
    • Can't believe I bought the Switch version
  • Fallout 4
    • New play through
    • 50 mods and counting.

Games I played most with Friends

  • Divinity Original Sin 2
    • Didn't quite finish but put in over 30 hours.
    • Good times.
  • Rocket League
    • Too many to count.